Monday, April 12, 2010

Sprigs of Grass

Well, I can't stress the annoyance of me trying to get to the right site so I can edit my own blog.....Often times the dang labels are in German and in different places, (especially if it is in Kuwait mode because things are aligned on the right side instead of the left), so I end up just picking things and hope to arrive to this page so I can update this thing.
The title of the post eludes to my ESPN blog that was sent as an email to a reporter that I have known for a long time, since middle school. My PA, Major Baumgartner made fun of me because I said there was "Sprigs of Grass". He said he didn't appreciate 1) that the article called him a Physician's Assistant, (apparently in the PA world being called a Physician's Assistant vs. Physician Assistant is REALLY offensive. Personally, I have no idea what the difference is but I don't tell him that. Also, in the original email I referred to him as a PA and the reporter spelled it out incorrectly), and 2) he was offended by my attempt at "poetry" by using the phrase sprig of grass. He has a very dry and quirky sense of humor.
Anyway, We are heading into the half way point here at Shank and I will say that I am in need of my mid-tour leave. The monotony gets to you. Shift work is very monotonous and although it makes the days go by fast the routine drives me nuts. I have realized that I like changing routine if that makes sense. I get antsy towards the end of a month because I want to change shifts. It annoys me that one month I won't eat breakfast and one month I won't eat dinner. MAJ B is totally opposite. Everyday no matter what shift he is on, he comes in makes him some oatmeal, makes coffee, and watches one hour of a show and then goes to work. He is also studying for the MCAT so routine is beneficial for that. It is weird to think that I was studying for the MCAT 7 years ago!
The weather here very nice. It can get really dusty but there is enough rain peppered in here and there to keep it bearable. I love when it rains because you can actually smell the humidity which I miss. Easter came and went. Holidays slide by and would easily be missed if it weren't for the elaborate decorations that our chow hall puts up. Easter morning, I walked in the chow hall for breakfast and was greated by Jesus. Yes, Jesus. There was a life size Jesus standing there greeting me with arms open. As I looked closer, I reached out touched his chin and realized that it was Butter! You can imagine how much delight this brought me. It made my whole day! I took pictures with Butter Jesus and also was surprised that there was Mary made of Margarine. This produced such blasphemous comments as "I can't believe it's not Butter.....Jesus", or "Our Lard and Savior" , or Mary Margarine. But it was hilarious! Someone, in charge of the chow hall thought, "I know, let's have a life size Jesus made out of Butter for Easter!!!!" and then someone else said, "Yeah! that would be fantastic!", and then they went to the efforts of finding some skilled soul to be commissioned to do this task. Who is this prodigy, this master of condiments, this Butter master?
Moving on, I have also turned my tent room into the best room on the FOB. I tasked some skilled men to extend my room and then make a king size bed! I guarantee that no one has such a set up! You may ask yourself Why? And I answer.....Why not? I like to reflect to the man who first climbed Mt. Everest.....When asked why he wanted to do such a dangerous task, he responded "Because it's there", (Thanks Coach Coale for embedded quotes in my head that I can use in blogs). So I must answer with a similar answer, "Because I had room". I have bedding for it now, lights, and still have room for my comfy papasan and dresser. I am pretty much awesome.